- Preliminary Report of Excavations in the Northern Sector of Kültepe 2015–2017 Kulakoğlu, F., R. Kontani, A. Uesugi, Y. Yamaguchi, K. Shimogama, and M. Semmoto In F. Kulakoğlu, C. Michel, and G. Öztürk (eds.), Interactive Approaches to the Archaeology and History of Kültepe-Kaneš. Kültepe, 4–7 August 2017. KIM 3 (Kültepe International Meeting), pp: 8–88. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
- キュルテペ遺跡土器群の技術的変化とアナトリアにおける都市化過程 下釜和也 『日本西アジア考古学会第25回大会要旨集』日本西アジア考古学会。17–18頁
- Late Neolithic in the Shahrizor Plain, Iraqi Kurdistan: New Excavations at Shakar Tepe, 2019 Odaka, T., O. Maeda, K. Shimogama, Y. Hayakawa, Y. Nishiaki, N. A. Mohammed, and K. Rashid Neo-Lithics 2020: 53–57
- PPN9と最先端の西アジア新石器時代研究—第9回近東先土器新石器時代石器研究国際会議・東京大会への参加記— 下釜和也 『西アジア考古学』21号: 137–144頁
- 古代西アジアの航海史 下釜和也 天理大学附属天理参考館・天理図書館(編)『大航海時代へ—マルコ・ポーロが開いた世界—』特別展図録。35–36頁。
- 前期青銅器時代のメソポタミアと4.2kaイベント 下釜和也 日本西アジア考古学会公開シンポジウム実行委員会編『気候変動と古代西アジア—古気候から探る文化・文明の興亡—』17–20頁。日本西アジア考古学会。
- 中央アナトリアにおける銅石器時代解明へ向けて—キュルテペ遺跡北トレンチ発掘調査2019年— 紺谷亮一・山口雄治・下釜和也・フィクリ・クラックオウル 『令和元年度考古学が語る古代オリエント 第27回西アジア発掘調査報告会報告集』日本西アジア考古学会。49–51頁。
- ギョベックリ・テペ遺跡の巨石建築と新石器時代の祭場 下釜和也 『ORIENTE』60号、18–23頁。
- Geochemically heterogeneous Martian mantle inferred from Pb isotope systematics of depleted shergottite Moriwaki, R. Usui, T., Tobita, M., Yokoyama, T Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 274, Elsevier, 157-171
- Variations in δ13C values of sedimentary organic matter since late Miocene time in the Indus Fan (IODP Site 1457) of the eastern Arabian Sea Khim, B. K., Lee, J., Ha, S., Park, J., Pandey, D. K., Clift, P. D., Kulhanek, D. K., Steinke, S., Griffith, E. M., Suzuki, K., Xu, Z., & Expedition, I. O. D. P Geological Magazine, 157(6), 1012-1021
- Late Miocene changes in C3, C4 and aquatic plant vegetation in the Indus River basin: evidence from leaf wax δ13C from Indus Fan sediments Suzuki, K., Yamamoto, M., & Seki, O Geological Magazine, 157(6), 979-988
- Large-scale mass wasting on the Miocene continental margin of western India Dailey, S. K., Clift, P. D., Kulhanek, D. K., Blusztajn, J., Routledge, C. M., Calvès, G., O’Sullivan, P., Jonell, T. N., Pandey, D. K., Andò, S., Coletti, G., Zhou, P., Li, Y., Neubeck, N. E., Bendle, J. A. P., Aharonovich, S., Griffith, E. M., Gurumurthy, G. P., Hahn, A., Iwai, M., Khim, B. K., Kumar, A., Kumar, A. G., Liddy, H. M., Lu, H., Lyle, M. W., Mishra R., Radhakrishna, T., Saraswat, R., Saxena, R., Scardia, G., Sharma, G. K., Singh, A. D., Steinke, S., Suzuki, K., Tauxe, L., Tiwari, M., Xu, Z., & Yu, Z Bulletin, 132(1-2), 85-112
- In situ occurrence of Muong Nong-type Australasian tektite fragments from the Quaternary deposits near Huai Om, northeastern Thailand Toshihiro Tada, Ryuji Tada, Praphas Chansom, Wickanet Songtham, Paul A. Carling, Eiichi Tajika Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 7, 66
- 第18回 地球惑星科学NYS若手合宿 参加報告 多田賢弘 『日本地質学会News』, Vol.23, No.2, 日本地質学会
- Assessment for BPCA method as biomass burning proxies and their application to meteorite impact event Song Lu, Yohei Yamashita, Tomohisa Irino, Toshihiro Tada, Ryuji Tada JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, Online, July 2020 (Poster)
- Praphas Chansom, Quaternary stratigraphy and occurrence of the Australasian tektites in Thailand, Laos PDR, and Cambodia: implication of the impact location Wickanet Songtham, Ryuji Tada, Paul A Carling, Toshihiro Tada JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, Online, July 2020 (Poster)
- Discovery of Australasian microtektites in the hemipelagic sediments of the Japan Sea: It's significance and implications Ryuji Tada, Toshihiro Tada, Jumpei Yoshioka JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, Online, July 2020 (Poster)
- Regionally-extensive ejecta layer of the Australian tektite strewn-field: the MIS 20 large meteorite impact in Indochina Paul A. Carling, Toshihiro Tada, Ryuji Tada, Wickanet Songtham, Alan Cresswell, David Sanderson, Naomi Porat, Jaroon Duangkrayom, Luba Meshkova, Ian Croudace, Stephen Darby, Xuanmei Fan JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, Online, July 2020 (Oral)
- Identification of Ejecta Deposit formed by Australasian Tektite Event based on Discovery of Shocked Quartz and in situ Tektite Fragments in North Eastern Thailand Toshihiro Tada, Ryuji Tada, Paul A. Carling, Wickanet Songtham, Praphas Chansom, Toshihiro Kogure, Yu Chang, Eiichi Tajika JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, Online, July 2020 (Oral)
- Evaluation of shock deformation of the basement sandstone around the probable impact site of Australasian Tektite Event using synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis Toshihiro Tada, Masahiro Kayama, Yu Chang, Akira Miyake, Yohei Igami, Ryuji Tada, Paul A. Carling, Wickanet Songtham, Eiichi Tajika JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, Online, July 2020 (Poster) 【招待講演】
- 令和2年度東京大学大学院理学系研究科研究奨励賞(博士) 多田 賢弘 東京大学
- Preface for article collection “Evolution and variability of Asian Monsoon and its linkage with Cenozoic global cooling” Tada, R., Betzler, C., Clift, P.D. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 7 (1), 1-3
- In situ occurrence of Muong Nong-type Australasian tektite fragments from the Quaternary deposits near Huai Om, northeastern Thailand Tada, T., Tada, R., Chansom, P., Songtham, W., Carling, P. A. and Tajika, E. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 7:66, Nov
- Intercomparison of XRF core scanning results from seven labs and approaches to practical calibration Dunlea, A. G., Murray, R. W., Tada, R., Alvarez‐Zarikian, C. A., Anderson, C. H., Gilli, A., Giosan, L., Gorgas, T., Hennekam, R., Irino, T., Murayama, M., Peterson, L. C., Reichart, G. -J., Seki, A., Zheng, H., and Ziegler, M. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21, e2020GC009248, Sep
- An intensified East Asian winter monsoon in the Japan Sea between 7.9 and 6.6 Ma Matsuzaki, K. M., Suzuki, N., Tada, R. Geology, 48, 9, 919-923, Sep
- Origin of aeolian dust emitted from the Tarim Basin based on the ESR signal intensity and crystallinity index of quartz: the recycling system of fine detrital material within the basin Isozaki, Y., Tada, R., Sun, Y., Zheng, H., Toyoda, S., Sugiura, N., Karasuda, A., Hasegawa, H. Geological Magazine, 157, 5, SI, 707-718, May
- Links between iron supply from Asian dust and marine productivity in the Japan Sea since four million years ago Zhai, L., Wan, S., Tada, R., Zhao, D. Geological Magazine, 157, 5, SI, 818-828, May
- Reconstruction of the chaotic behavior of the Solar System from geologic records Ikeda, M., Tada, R. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 537, 116168, May 1
- Provenance changes in fine detrital quartz in the inner shelf sediments of the East China Sea associated with shifts in the East Asian summer monsoon front during the last 6 kyrs Wang, K., Tada, R., Zheng, H., Irino, T., Zhou, B., Saito, K. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 7, 5, Feb. 2